Dog Cast Stone Statues
27 products
27 products
Dogs are beloved companions to so many, and a beautiful dog statue is a great way to salute that constant companion. Made of durable cast stone and available in a selection of custom color options, these dog statues are special pieces.
From the lovable Labrador to a fluffy Terrier, Campania International gives attention to each detail of its Dog Statue collection. These dog statues are perfect for standing guard on a front entryway or resting calmly on a back patio or deck. We have a dog statue for every garden setting!
Dog garden statues can be more than just decor for your backyard — they can serve as a reminder of a beloved pet. With a beautiful canine statue, you can bring life to the grounds your departed friend once roamed and called home.
The Garden Gates' stunning collection of dog statues includes canines of many different popular breeds, including labradors, Frenchies, boxers, and many more. Designed and crafted by artists of exceptional skill, each statue is a unique piece of art that captures the distinct features and beauty of each canine breed.
When you have a stately dog statue stand guard in your garden or landscaping, unwanted visitors may think twice about entering your outdoor space uninvited. While not quite the same as a garden scarecrow, a beautiful canine statue certainly evokes the spirit of a guardian and protector.
Of course, these beautiful statues can be more than just guard dogs. Their eye-catching shapes and details can serve as the focal point of your landscaping design, allowing you to orchestrate your flowers, greenery, and other features around them. Whether they're standing guard in your front yard or accompanying your landscaping, there will always be a place for a cast stone canine.
In addition to beloved breeds like bulldogs and shepherds, our statue collection also includes Chinese Foo Dogs. Originating from the Han Dynasty in China, Foo Dogs are actually lions and are known as Shi — or, in the case of stone lions, Shishi.
These iconic statues hold many meanings that can be traced back to Buddhism and Chinese culture. Seen as the defender of law and a protector of sacred places, they're commonly placed outside of Buddhist temples, tombs, palaces, and other important locations to ward off demons and evil spirits. Many believe that Foo Dogs possess the power to attract good luck as well, giving homeowners all the reason to place them at their doorsteps and entryways.
Thanks to our diverse collection of expressive and endearing dog statues, you're certain to find one that will be an amazing addition to your garden or landscaping. To learn more about our statues and to purchase one for your outdoor space, call The Garden Gates today! We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have so that you can find the perfect canine statue for your backyard.