Transforming your Landscaping with Elegant Estate Fountains

Well-thought-out landscape design makes your home look welcoming, gorgeous, and elegant. Whether you’re driving up to your home, walking through the garden, or looking out your window, you’ll be able to enjoy your yard every day. 

A beautiful landscape includes a manicured lawn, shrubs and flowers, and a good use of balance, layering, and proportion. And, to take it to the next level, it needs a crowning feature or a focal point.  We believe that one of the best crowning features for an elegant, spacious yard is an estate fountain!

What is an Estate Fountain?

Estate fountains are large outdoor fountains that are usually set in the center of a water-filled basin. They often have more than one tier with water cascading down from the top tier, to the next tier, and into the basin. Or, they have one spray ring of water that arcs outwards in a circular shape, filling the basin. Basins are usually round or square-shaped, and they may come with the fountain or they may come separately, allowing you to mix and match styles. Two, three, or four-tiered fountains are common. Estate fountains can be simple or ornate: some are made up of simple geometric shapes, while others have elaborate finials, carved details, or statuary incorporated into the design. 

How to Transform Your Landscape with Estate Fountains

Here are some major design principles to keep in mind as you consider adding estate fountains to your landscape.

Balance— Each major design element in your landscape should be balanced with something else. For something like a fountain, it should probably be in the center of your space with balanced flowers, trees, or shrubbery completing the space. Or, if you have an asymmetrical landscape that needs to be balanced with a new feature, you can use a fountain to do so. 

Unity—Not everything as to match perfectly, but you should have some level of unity. For example, you can choose an estate fountain in a similar color and finish to a nearby walkway or a nearby stone bench. Great landscape design usually repeats similar colors and finishes more than once throughout the design, but at the same time, not every finish is exactly the same. 

Layering—Any great design has layers to it. For example, let’s say you have a stone wall that you’re planting a flower bed in front of. You’ll layer taller shrubs in the back, then some mid-sized flowering plants, then stones and short groundcover plants in the very front of the flower bed. It’s the same with a fountain; you’ll want to layer it into your landscape design in a purposeful way.

Proportion—You wouldn’t plant an enormous tree that blocks your windows. You wouldn’t put one tiny shrub in a large flower bed. A small front door would look silly on a grand mansion. It’s the same thing with estate fountains—you should carefully consider its size and ensure that it isn’t too large or too small for the space you’re filling. 

Find beautiful options for all your outdoor landscaping needs at the Garden Gates!

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